Classified Ads

If you are interested in placing your classified ad here please contact the Ninth District Dental Association at (914) 747-1199 or by e-mail. Box ads should reply in writing to: 9th District Dental Association, 364 Elwood Avenue, Hawthorne, NY 10532. Please indicate box number on response.

It’s a Win/Win in Sullivan

Buying a practice can be a daunting thought so consider this. . .

A rural practice close to beautiful, "raise-your-family-here" locations like Goshen and Chester, New York.  An anxious-to-retire price of $300k for a practice grossing between $700 & $850k annually (I'll even provide contact info to my accountant for verification).

I will help to make the transition as smooth as possible by staying  on for up to 6 months.  Just think . . . a single-dentist office in a professional building in Sullivan County which grosses $800k, annually for a 5-day/40-hour week. 

Sound intriguing?  Reach out to HQ with your contact information for details on ad #130 and I’ll be in touch.

Diane Darby