MAKE SURE YOUR DENTIST IS AN ADA MEMBER!: ADA Members Adhere to Strict Code of Ethics and Conduct. You should make sure you are SEEING AN ADA MEMBER DENTIST! Visit ADA Find-A-Dentist to Find One Near YOU
Ninth District Headquarters Office - Hawthorne, NY

2025 Ninth District President

Dr. Renuka Bijoor

CE Registry is now CE Navigator

Navigate your continuing education journey with ease using the CE Navigator, your ultimate guide to professional development.

ADA Update: a new login experience

We’re updating how you log in to your NYSDA and ADA account.


3 EASY WAYS TO PAY 1 ONLINE: 2 MAIL: Return dues stub and payment 3 PHONE: 1-800-255-2100

New Exclusive NYSDA Member Benefit

Life comes with challenges, but your new Member Assistance Program (MAP) is here to help. This free, confidential benefit is available to you and your household, offering resources and services to support mental health, reduce stress, and make life easier.

Welcome to the Ninth District Dental Association

The Ninth District Dental Society was formed in 1909 and renamed to the Ninth District Dental Association in 2002. We have a membership of over 1500 dentists in 5 counties: Westchester, Rockland, Dutchess, Orange and Putnam.

In its quest to serve both the public and the profession, the Ninth District embodies the highest ideals.

The mission of the 9th District Dental Association is to serve and support its members and the public by improving the oral health of our community through Advocacy, Continuing Education and Camaraderie.

Have Fun Bowling and Socializing with Other New Dentists!

Don't Forget to Register!!  OPEN TO ALL NEW DENTISTS!


Second Annual New Dentist Bowling Event!

Monday, April 7th 6:30-8:30pm 

47 Tarrytown Road
White Plains, NY 10607


A FREE fun event, enjoy laughs bowling and food and drinks!  Come mingle and meet other 9th District New Dentists!
Please spread the word to other new dentists. 


Bota Consulting Group
MLMIC Insurance Company

To Register please email or call HQ 914-747-1199.
We Hope to See You There!!
Lana Hashim, DDS
Chair, New Dentist Committee

Renuka Bijoor, DDS

Latest News Around the Tripartite

OCR Takes Action Against Health Care Practice for Discriminating Against Hearing Disabilities

Jun 4, 2024

Per the notice below, the United States Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has taken action against a health care practice for discriminating against patients with hearing disabilities.

HHS Office for Civil Rights Takes Action to Ensure Access to Care for Patients Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing 

This is the latest action that OCR has taken to strengthen access to health and human services for people with disabilities. 

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office for Civil Rights (OCR) announced a settlement with Englewood Ear Nose and Throat (Englewood) to ensure effective communication and access to services for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.  Englewood provides otolaryngology services, including the medical and surgical management of problems related to the ear, nose, and throat, for adults and adolescents in New Jersey.  The settlement was the result of OCR’s investigation of Englewood regarding allegations that it discriminated against people who are deaf and utilize American Sign Language as their primary means of communication.  Federal civil rights laws prevent discrimination against people with disabilities, including for sign language interpretation and when a person requests a companion to aid in a visit.  Under the terms of the settlement, Englewood agrees to take several actions that ensure equal treatment of patients who are deaf or hard of hearing.

“Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing should be able to schedule medical appointments and be seen by medical professionals just as easily as any other patient,” said OCR Director Melanie Fontes Rainer.  “The law promises deaf and hard of hearing patients that they should receive care, free from discrimination, and have access to effective communication in appointments with their providers.  Today’s agreement puts other health care providers and facilities on notice to prioritize the communication needs of their patients and follow the law.”

OCR entered into the agreement under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability.  These laws specifically require health care providers to provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services to ensure that their communication with individuals with disabilities is as effective as their communication with others.  Under the terms of the agreement, the Office of Civil Rights will monitor Englewood for at least two years to ensure that it comes into compliance with the law.  Among other actions, Englewood specifically agrees that it will:

  • Furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services free of charge to ensure effective communication for those individuals who request them;
  • Revise its non-discrimination policies and procedures to clarify how individuals can obtain services;
  • Provide training to personnel and staff on federal civil rights laws and update training materials so that staff are aware of patients’ rights and the hospital’s obligation to provide appropriate services;
  • Display notification to the public, patients and Englewood personnel of the rights and protections civil rights laws afford regarding nondiscrimination in healthcare and human services; and
  • Report progress of compliance with the settlement agreement to OCR through a series of compliance reports.

A copy of the Voluntary Resolution Agreement may be found here:  OCR has taken several recent actions to strengthen access to health and human services for people with disabilities:

  • On April 26, 2024, OCR finalized the Section 1557 rule, which strengthens protections against discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, and disability. 
  • On May 1, 2024, OCR finalized the Section 504 rule, substantively updating the rules for the first time in nearly 50 years.  Section 504 clarifies and strengthens civil rights protections for people with disabilities, addresses discrimination in medical treatment, adds enforceable standards for accessible medical diagnostic equipment, and ensures accessible web content and mobile apps.

To inform the public of their rights and encourage compliance with civil rights laws by the health care system, OCR has several Fact Sheets, FAQ’s and other resources.  Specific resources for deaf and hard of hearing services can be found here.  If you believe that you or someone else has been discriminated against for being deaf or hard of hearing, on account of another disability, or on account of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or religion, please file a complaint with the HHS Office for Civil Rights at

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