AHRQ Highlights Medicaid Managed Care and Pediatric Dental Emergency Department Visits
Per the notice below, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is highlighting an article on Medicaid managed care and pediatric dental emergency department visits.
AHRQ in the Professional Literature
Medicaid Managed Care and Pediatric Dental Emergency Department Visits
- PMCID: PMC11179125
- DOI: 10.1001/jamahealthforum.2024.1472
Importance: Millions of economically disadvantaged children depend on Medicaid for dental care, with states differing in whether they deliver these benefits using fee-for-service or capitated managed care payment models. However, there is limited research examining the association between managed care and the accessibility of dental services.
Objective: To estimate the association between the adoption of managed care for dental services in Florida's Medicaid program and nontraumatic dental emergency department visits and associated charges.
Design, setting, and participants: This cohort study used an event-study difference-in-differences design, leveraging Florida Medicaid's staggered adoption of managed care to examine its association with pediatric nontraumatic dental emergency department visits and associated charges. This study included all Florida emergency department visits from 2010 to 2014 in which the patient was 17 years or younger, the patient was a Florida resident, Medicaid paid for the visit, and a primary or secondary International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, code was used to classify a nontraumatic dental condition. Analyses were conducted between May 2023 and April 2024.
Exposure: The county of residence transitioning Medicaid dental services from fee-for-service to a fully capitated managed care program managed by a dental plan.
Main outcomes and measures: The rate of nontraumatic dental emergency department visits per 100 000 pediatric Medicaid enrollees and the associated mean charges per visit. Nontraumatic dental emergency department visits are a well-documented proxy for access to dental care. Data on emergency department visit counts came from the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration. Medicaid population denominators were derived from the American Community Survey's 5-year estimates.
Results: Among the 34 414 pediatric nontraumatic dental emergency department visits that met inclusion criteria across Florida's 67 counties, the mean (SD) age of patients was 8.11 (5.28) years, and 50.8% of patients were male. Of these, 10 087 visits occurred in control counties and 24 327 in treatment counties. Control counties generally had lower rates of NTDC ED visits per 100 000 enrollees compared with treatment counties (123.5 vs 132.7). Over the first 2.5 years of implementation, the adoption of managed care was associated with an 11.3% (95% CI, 4.0%-18.4%; P = .002) increase in nontraumatic dental emergency department visits compared with pre-implementation levels. There was no evidence that the average charge per visit changed.
Conclusions and relevance: In this cohort study, Florida Medicaid's adoption of managed care for pediatric dental services was associated with increased emergency department visits for children, which could be associated with decreased access to dental care.
Conflict of interest statement
Dr Kranz reported grants from the National Institutes of Health outside the submitted work. No other disclosures were reported.
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