MAKE SURE YOUR DENTIST IS AN ADA MEMBER!: ADA Members Adhere to Strict Code of Ethics and Conduct. You should make sure you are SEEING AN ADA MEMBER DENTIST! Visit ADA Find-A-Dentist to Find One Near YOU
Ninth District Headquarters Office - Hawthorne, NY

2025 Ninth District President

Dr. Renuka Bijoor

CE Registry is now CE Navigator

Navigate your continuing education journey with ease using the CE Navigator, your ultimate guide to professional development.

ADA Update: a new login experience

We’re updating how you log in to your NYSDA and ADA account.


3 EASY WAYS TO PAY 1 ONLINE: 2 MAIL: Return dues stub and payment 3 PHONE: 1-800-255-2100

New Exclusive NYSDA Member Benefit

Life comes with challenges, but your new Member Assistance Program (MAP) is here to help. This free, confidential benefit is available to you and your household, offering resources and services to support mental health, reduce stress, and make life easier.

Welcome to the Ninth District Dental Association

The Ninth District Dental Society was formed in 1909 and renamed to the Ninth District Dental Association in 2002. We have a membership of over 1500 dentists in 5 counties: Westchester, Rockland, Dutchess, Orange and Putnam.

In its quest to serve both the public and the profession, the Ninth District embodies the highest ideals.

The mission of the 9th District Dental Association is to serve and support its members and the public by improving the oral health of our community through Advocacy, Continuing Education and Camaraderie.

Have Fun Bowling and Socializing with Other New Dentists!

Don't Forget to Register!!  OPEN TO ALL NEW DENTISTS!


Second Annual New Dentist Bowling Event!

Monday, April 7th 6:30-8:30pm 

47 Tarrytown Road
White Plains, NY 10607


A FREE fun event, enjoy laughs bowling and food and drinks!  Come mingle and meet other 9th District New Dentists!
Please spread the word to other new dentists. 


Bota Consulting Group
MLMIC Insurance Company

To Register please email or call HQ 914-747-1199.
We Hope to See You There!!
Lana Hashim, DDS
Chair, New Dentist Committee

Renuka Bijoor, DDS

Latest News Around the Tripartite

FDA Issues Comprehensive Regulatory Update

Aug 20, 2024

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued its weekly comprehensive regulatory update, which can be read below.

The latest from FDA

UpdatesImportant public health and other updates from FDA since our last MCMi email include:

More FDA press announcements


HPAI response updates 

Highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1 HPAI) in dairy cows  

Updates on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in dairy cows
FDA released the results of the second retail sampling survey that tested dairy products for the highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1). No viable virus was detected in the samples collected from retail locations and analyzed between June 18-July 31, 2024. These results strengthen previous assessments that commercial pasteurization inactivates the H5N1 virus. The USDA Agricultural Research Service and the FDA are submitting the survey results for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. The pre-publication is available at: Characterization of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus in retail dairy products in the U.S.(August 13, 2024)


Additional information from FDA and our federal partners:
Consumer information on milk safety from FDA:


Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) update

Using ML to identify a suitable patient population for anakinra for the treatment of COVID-19 under EUA

Graphic representing artificial intelligence (AI) and SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19
In this Spotlight on CDER Science, FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) reviewers combined the predictive ability of AI/ML with appropriate validation processes to develop a method to identify a patient population who will likely benefit from a drug therapy.

On November 8, 2022, FDA issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for anakinra (Kineret) for the treatment of COVID-19 in hospitalized adults with pneumonia requiring supplemental oxygen (low- or high-flow oxygen) who are at risk of progressing to severe respiratory failure and likely to have an elevated plasma soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR). However, an approved suPAR commercial test is not available in the U.S., which created a challenge during CDER’s review of the EUA application when identifying the patient population most likely to benefit from anakinra.

To ensure patients’ timely access to this treatment, the CDER review team used AI/ML to facilitate the identification of patients who could receive the drug under the EUA. The goal was to develop a scoring rule that would ensure a high proportion of patients meeting the criteria would have a suPAR ≥ 6 ng/mL. This was the first time that CDER used AI/ML for a regulatory decision. (July 31, 2024)

AI/ML-enabled medical devices

FDA updated the list of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML)-Enabled Medical Devices. With this update, FDA has authorized 950 AI/ML-enabled medical devices. (August 7, 2024)


Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) updates

Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)

New EUA for treatment of hemorrhage or coagulopathy

FDA granted an EUA to Octapharma Pharmazeutika Produktionsges.m.b.H. for emergency use of octaplasLG Powder (blood group types A and AB) for U.S. military forces for the treatment of hemorrhage or coagulopathy during an emergency involving agents of military combat (e.g., firearms, projectiles, and explosive devices) when plasma is not available for use or when the use of plasma is not practical.
Hemorrhage, sometimes accompanied by coagulopathy (a condition that affects the blood’s ability to clot), is a leading cause of death among combat trauma casualties. Plasma contains proteins that may be effective at helping clot blood and can be used for the management of hemorrhage and coagulopathy. However, its use in combat settings is severely limited by logistical and operational challenges such as the need for refrigeration and, in the case of frozen plasma, a long thawing period.

OctaplasLG Powder is a powdered freeze-dried product that can be used following reconstitution (adding water back to the powder) in settings where refrigeration is not available, thus enabling the rapid availability of plasma for use at the point of injury. (August 8, 2024)


Recent new in vitro diagnostic EUAs

Additional information about these EUAs can be found at: In Vitro Diagnostics EUAs - Antigen Diagnostic Tests for SARS-CoV-2 
  • 7/23/2024: Flowflex Plus COVID-19 and Flu A/B Home Test (ACON Laboratories, Inc.)
  • 7/8/2024: Nano-Check Influenza+COVID-19 Dual Test (Nano-Ditech Corporation)

EUA revocations

FDA revoked the following EUAs for the reasons noted in the revocation letters
  • 8/7/2024: LumiraDx SARS-CoV-2 & Flu A/B RNA STAR Complete Assay (LumiraDx UK Ltd.)
  • 8/5/2024: cobas SARS-CoV-2 Nucleic acid test for use on the cobas Liat System (cobas SARS-CoV-2) (Roche Molecular Systems)
  • 7/30/2024: Sampinute COVID-19 Antigen MIA (Celltrion USA, Inc.)
  • 7/30/2024: Celltrion DiaTrust COVID-19 Ag Home Test and Celltrion DiaTrust COVID-19 Ag Rapid Test (Celltrion USA, Inc.)

Quick links



More events:FDA Meetings, Conferences and Workshops


Information for industry and health care providers

Clinicians Connect: Conversations with FDA's Chief Medical Officer


Clinicians Connect

View a recording of our firstClinicians Connect: Conversations with FDA's Chief Medical Officer call, where clinicians heard directly from the FDA and CDC about the latest on the respiratory virus vaccine and therapeutic approval processes, medical products currently available, recommendations, and resources. To stay informed about future Clinicians Connect: Conversations with FDA's Chief Medical Officer, please subscribe to our mailing list. (August 8, 2024)


Recently posted information

Expiration Date Extension

Expiration date extension

You can find information about shelf-life extensions of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and in vitro diagnostic (IVD) tests, and other medical countermeasures, on our web page: Expiration Dating Extension, under MCM Expiration Dating Extensions.

Visit At-Home OTC COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests and At-Home COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests: Frequently Asked Questions for more information about expiration date extensions of at-home COVID-19 tests.


In case you missed it

MCMi FY23 report
Medical Countermeasures Initiative (MCMi) Program Update report
This annual report showcases FDA's work each year to prepare for public health emergencies. Covering FY 2023, it includes updates on FDA's work agency-wide to support development of and access to medical countermeasures for a variety of public health threats.


MCMi program update FY 2021
Researching FDA
Join FDA on a journey into the heart of regulatory science, where innovation meets safety, and research drives policy decisions. At FDA, we're committed to advancing science for the benefit of society. This video series showcases our groundbreaking regulatory science work.


Q&A with FDA podcast (CE available)
Q&A with FDA podcast
In this podcast series, FDA’s Division of Drug Information answers some of the most commonly asked questions received by FDA. Previous episodes include conversations about drug shortages, expanded access, avoiding medication scams, and much more.


COVID-19 resources 112px
Quick COVID-19 resources

Latest News Around the Ninth

Around the Ninth District