MAKE SURE YOUR DENTIST IS AN ADA MEMBER!: ADA Members Adhere to Strict Code of Ethics and Conduct. You should make sure you are SEEING AN ADA MEMBER DENTIST! Visit ADA Find-A-Dentist to Find One Near YOU
Ninth District Headquarters Office - Hawthorne, NY

2025 Ninth District President

Dr. Renuka Bijoor

CE Registry is now CE Navigator

Navigate your continuing education journey with ease using the CE Navigator, your ultimate guide to professional development.

ADA Update: a new login experience

We’re updating how you log in to your NYSDA and ADA account.


3 EASY WAYS TO PAY 1 ONLINE: 2 MAIL: Return dues stub and payment 3 PHONE: 1-800-255-2100

New Exclusive NYSDA Member Benefit

Life comes with challenges, but your new Member Assistance Program (MAP) is here to help. This free, confidential benefit is available to you and your household, offering resources and services to support mental health, reduce stress, and make life easier.

Welcome to the Ninth District Dental Association

The Ninth District Dental Society was formed in 1909 and renamed to the Ninth District Dental Association in 2002. We have a membership of over 1500 dentists in 5 counties: Westchester, Rockland, Dutchess, Orange and Putnam.

In its quest to serve both the public and the profession, the Ninth District embodies the highest ideals.

The mission of the 9th District Dental Association is to serve and support its members and the public by improving the oral health of our community through Advocacy, Continuing Education and Camaraderie.

Have Fun Bowling and Socializing with Other New Dentists!

Don't Forget to Register!!  OPEN TO ALL NEW DENTISTS!


Second Annual New Dentist Bowling Event!

Monday, April 7th 6:30-8:30pm 

47 Tarrytown Road
White Plains, NY 10607


A FREE fun event, enjoy laughs bowling and food and drinks!  Come mingle and meet other 9th District New Dentists!
Please spread the word to other new dentists. 


Bota Consulting Group
MLMIC Insurance Company

To Register please email or call HQ 914-747-1199.
We Hope to See You There!!
Lana Hashim, DDS
Chair, New Dentist Committee

Renuka Bijoor, DDS

Latest News Around the Tripartite

NYSDOL Issues August 2024 Newsletter

Aug 29, 2024

The New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL) has issued its August 2024 newsletter, which can be read below.


August 2024

Take the Youth Worker Pledge Today!


Take the pledge today!  The Youth Worker Pledge is an initiative designed to safeguard the rights and well-being of young workers across New York State.  Join the growing network of businesses dedicated to creating a safe work environment for our youth workers.

What is the Youth Worker Pledge?
The pledge is your promise to protect young workers.  By signing, you affirm your commitment to:

  • Educate your employees on labor rights and the signs of labor trafficking
  • Avoid employing minors in prohibited occupations and prevent exploitation
  • Prioritize the safety and well-being of minors as employees and community members
  • Report any suspected violations to the Child Labor Task Force

As a business taking part in this pledge, you enhance your reputation as a socially responsible business.  Every business that signs the pledge will receive a window decal to display at the front of their store so that everyone can see your commitment to youth workers.  WE encourage everyone to join this important initiative.  Sign the pledge and make a promise to our youth workers to ensure their safety, rights, and opportunities in the workforce.  To learn more, please visit our Youth Worker Pledge webpage, watch our informational video (in English or Spanish), or you take the pledge today.

Businesses: Register with the NYSDOL Virtual Career Center

With your business registered to the Virtual Career Center (VCC), you can post positions to the state’s public exchange, gain access to candidate visibility and AI matching to pull leads,  and use tools like the candidate pipeline.  The VCC allows NYS businesses to seamlessly source, contact, and advance candidates with a broad range of use cases, all while adhering to state labor and compliance law.  To get a step-by-step guide on how to use this free tool, check out our VCC for business user guide here:

Reminder: The Youth Worker Bill of Rights

asdf aWith school just around the corner, we wanted to remind you about the Youth Workers Bill of Rights.  The Youth Workers Bill of Rights provides crucial information on minimum wage, discrimination free workplaces, and other essential worker protections.  Businesses across New York are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Youth Workers Bill of Rights, which will be distributed alongside working papers and made available in various formats.  The DOL’s new Youth Worker Information Hub is an educational resource offering detailed information on working hours, minimum wage compliance, and prohibited occupations for those under 18.  This is part of Governor Hochul’s ongoing fight against rising child labor violations.  By adhering to the guidelines set forth in the Youth Workers Bill of Rights, businesses can contribute to creating a safer, more inclusive work environment for young employees.  Be sure you are familiar with these standards as the school year approaches.  Visit the Youth Worker Information Hub for additional information and resources.

Extreme Heat Guidance Reminder

Worker on a Hot DayAccording to the National Weather Service, when the heat index is 80 degress or higher, the risk of occupational heat-related illness and injury increases significantly.  With the recent wave of record-setting heat, the DOL strongly encourages businesses to follow these extreme heat safety tips:

  • Allow for rest regularly in shaded areas.  
  • Encourage workers to drink water frequently, even if they are not thirsty.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that employers provide each outdoor worker with 32 ounces of cool, potable drinking water per hour.
  • When the heat index equals or exceeds 80 degrees Fahrenheit, establish shaded areas near work sites for rest and meal periods.
  • When the heat index reaches 90 degrees Fahrenheit or greater, implement standardized rest breaks to keep workers safe.
  • Encourage workers to protect themselves from the sun and heat by wearing light clothing, wide-brimmed hats, and sunscreen.

It is also crucial for both workers and employers to recognize the signs of common heat-related illnesses.  New and returning workers should be aware that they need to build a tolerance to heat, as those who are not acclimated to working in hot conditions are the most vulnerable.  Our top priority is to keep all workers safe and protected.  Please follow these tips to ensure that you stay safe when working in extreme heat.  For more extreme heat guidance, visit the NYSDOH's website.

Reminder: Changes to Breast Milk Expression in the Workplace Law

addThis is a reminder that all employees are entitled to paid break time to express breast milk in the workplace regardless of the size of their employer or the industry they work in.  Employers are required to tell employees about their rights regarding breast milk expression by providing them the NYSDOL Policy on the Rights of Employes to Express Breast Milk in the Workplace when they start a new job and annually thereafter.  Providing working parents with paid break time to express breast milk reduces absenteeism, improves morale and productivity, and helps with employee retention.  Paid break time creates a positive work culture and benefits both the employees and employers.  For more information, please visit our Breastmilk Expression in the Workplace website.

NYSDOL Business Services Can Help You Fill Positions

Youth Worker Looking at Working PapersThe NYSDOL has a variety of no-cost programs and services to help your business, no matter your need.  We can help you recruit your workforce, tell you about tax credits and other opportunities to help you save money, and provide free consultation services to help you comply with state laws.  We partner with the Business Council, Empire State Development, and Regional Economic Development Councils to gather real-time data on current workforce trends as well as what the needs are of businesses in your area.  These surveys are available on our Business Services webpage, so you can see the most up-to-date data on workforce trends and what job seekers are experiencing in the job market.  Our Business Services team can assist you in whatever way you need, and at no cost to you.  What are you waiting for?  Visit for more information on how we can help your business succeed.

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Around the Ninth District