Calendar of Events

Scarsdale Dental Society

Location: 808 Bistro

Address: 808 Scarsdale Ave, Scarsdale, NY

Contact: Arielle Jacobs


Phone: 914-713-5113

"Vial Pulp Therapy"

Larry Genser, D.D.S.
Director of Endodontics - Montefiore Einstein, Program Director - Endodontic Fellowship Program

Vital Pulp Therapy (VPT) on mature, permanent teeth is now an accepted procedure available to all dentists.  VPT techniques are a way of preserving the vitality and function of the dental pulp after injury resulting from trauma, caries, or restorative procedures.  

We will look at VPT utilizing the best available evidence from scientific and clinical studies in concert with the clinical knowledge and experiences from five years of successful VPT at Montefiore Medical Center.

The course objective is for the participant to be able to treatment plan VPT as well as gain the knowledge on how to do the procedure.