Calendar of Events

General Meeting - March 12, 2025

Location: Villa Borghese

Address: 70 Widmer Rd, Wappingers Falls, NY, US

Contact: Diane Darby


How to find us: (845) 297-8207


Phone: 914-747-1199

"Demystifying the Endodontic Patient: A Recipe for Making the Diagnoses and Treatment Decisions

For many practitioners, endodontics is a forever unfolding mystery, especially when it comes to diagnosis and treatment options. Patient expectations, pain, uncertainty of treatment outcomes and implant therapy often lead the clinician to make referrals outside of the endodontic specialty.  

The goals and objectives and of this presentation are to:
•    Present a reliable method of a performing a comprehensive endodontic clinical and radiographic exam.
•    Discuss some of the most common pitfalls the clinician may face during both the objective and subjective examinations.
•    Highlight some of the most relevant medical, pharmacological and psychosocial factors that should be considered in diagnosis, treatment planning and outcomes.
•    Discuss potential challenges in determining non-odontogenic, restorative and periodontal etiologies of dental pain, and how to best deliver treatment recommendations.

Instructor:  Denise Foran, D.D.S.
Board-Certified Endodontist and Postgraduate Director of the Advanced Specialty Program in Endodontics at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center, New York Campus
