Calendar of Events

NY-9DDS-Webinar "Understanding the MATE Act, Substance Abuse and Acute Pain Management"

Location: Webinar

Address: NY, US

Contact: Diane Darby



Phone: 914-747-1199

Instructor: Marc Gottlieb, D.D.S.
         A General Dentist and Anesthesiologist, Dr. Gottlieb specializes in the management of the apprehensive, unmanageable, and medically compromised patients in his Commack, NY practice


Synopsis:  In December 2022, the Federal Government passed the MATE Act which, effective June 27, 2023, requires all prescribers of controlled substances to have 8 hours of training prior to renewing their DEA license. This program not only clarifies what you need to do or not to do to satisfy this requirement, but also discusses addiction and how to manage your patient's pain and your own, utilizing glucorticosteriods.

All providers - from the dental student to the veteran "about to retire", will benefit from this program.