Calendar of Events

NY-9DDS – Webinar: "Effective Non-Surgical Treatment of Periodontal Disease for Dentists And Hygienists"

Location: Webinar


Contact: Diane Darby


Phone: 914-747-1199

Thursday, May 1, 2025 (Objective 1 – 2 MCE) - 7 pm – 9 pm


Instructor: Victor Sternberg, D.M.D.

The effective treatment and management of periodontal disease has gone through many modifications over the last seventy-five years.  What began as a non-surgical approach in the early 20th century morphed into various types of surgical procedures including osseous surgery to reshape the bone, bone grafting to rebuild lost alveoli bone and open-flap debridement to get access to the calculus and debride roots.  However, in my experience, which has now stretched five decades, I have had the opportunity to treat and observe the long-term management of periodontal disease.   This course will clearly demonstrate the approach to treatment planning, periodontal treatment based upon the presentation of the patient as well as maintaining and retreating patients who have a recurrence.

The use of bacterial culturing, probing techniques, instrumentation and instrument sharpening will all be demonstrated.  The use of the perioscope to actually visualize calculus while the teeth are being debrided has been a huge adjunct to successful outcomes, making the success of non-surgical care much more predictable.  Videos will be presented of the actual process of using a perioscope to debride the roots of teeth non-surgically.  Hopefully, reviving an interest in the reintroduction to effective, non-surgical care.

Finally, the single most important aspect of treatment of periodontal disease is the daily, effective plaque removal by patients.  We have had the opportunity to use many devices from manual to electric brushes, to all forms of interproximal cleansing techniques.  This course will present what has been most effective for our patient population.

The opportunity will be available for those who attend the course to observe the use of the perioscope in a clinical environment.