Scarsdale Dental Society

Location: Tutta Bella

Address: 754 Post Rd, Scarsdale, NY

Contact: Arielle Jacobs


Phone: 914-713-5113

"Beyond the Textbooks:  Tethered Oral Tissues, Craniofacial Development, and the Role of Orofacial Myology”

Jessica Levy, DDS; Nicole Tobon, BS, RDH, COM; Hetal Sutaria, BS, COM

This lecture explores the vital role of orofacial myology in managing tethered oral tissues (TOTs) and their significant impact on craniofacial development. We will begin by providing an overview of what tethered oral tissues are and how they can influence both oral and systemic health. The session will emphasize how myofunctional therapy can enhance muscle function, improve oral rest posture, and support healthy jaw development, thereby promoting overall well-being.

Participants will gain valuable insights into early diagnosis and effective treatment strategies. Additionally, we will highlight the importance of a multidisciplinary team approach in addressing TOTs, to ensure comprehensive care and achieve the best possible outcomes.