Westchester South Dental Society
Location: Ciao Restaurant
Address: 5-7 John Albanese Pl, Eastchester, NY
Contact: Arielle Jacobs
Email: ajacobsdmd@gmail.com
How to find us: (914) 779-4646
Phone: 914-713-5113
"Implant Care: Occlusion and Maintenance Simplified"
Instructor: Dr. Taha Akhtar, Prosthodontist
This lecture dives deep into the critical aspects of implant maintenance and occlusion, two pillars of long-term implant success. We'll explore the science behind occlusal forces and their impact on implant stability, as well as best practices for managing occlusion to prevent overload and complications. Additionally, we'll cover comprehensive maintenance protocols that ensure implant longevity, minimize peri-implant disease, and optimize prosthetic function. Whether you're dealing with single-tooth implants or full-arch restorations, this session will equip you with the knowledge and practical strategies to enhance the performance and durability of your implant cases, ultimately improving patient outcomes.