NY-9DDS - Web & In-Person – “Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation with Defibrillator”
Location: Web & Blythedale Children's Hospital
Address: 95 Bradhurst St, Valhalla, NY, US
Contact: Diane Darby
Email: diane@ninthdistrict.org
How to find us: 914-592-7555
Website: www.ninthdistrict.org
Phone: 914-747-1199
Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation with Defibrillator”
American Heart Association
CPR Courses continue to be both online and in-person. The in-person portion is held at The Blythedale Children’s Hospital at 95 Bradhurst Avenue, Valhalla, NY 10595(914-592-7555).
One week before the in-person portion of the course, the AHA will send you the online module. You MUST complete the program and answer the survey, print out the certificate of completion, and BRING that with you to the in-person skills assessment session. Upon successful completion, you will be provided access to download and print your 2-year certification e-card.
1. There is free parking right outside the building.
2. You will enter the lobby and then go to security and let them
know you are here for CPR. You will be directed into the board room,
which is right off the lobby, behind the security desk.
3. Skills Sessions will run approximately 45- 60 mins.
4. Wearing a mask is optional but may be required depending on infectious rates in the community.
5. Please note, although you are entering the hospital you will not
be going past the lobby so there is no concern of patient exposure on
the units or within the hospital.
Synopsis: BLS (Basic Life Support) for healthcare providers. Adult, Child, and Infant CPR. Conscious and unconscious choking. Use of Automated External Defibrillator machine (AED). Use of breathing barrier devices. New York State now requires all dentists to maintain CPR certification. This is a two-year certification. This course meets this requirement.
Maximum of 10 participants per class (No Walk-Ins)